Training Commands
Come: "Here!"
Sit: "Sitz" pronounced (seat)
Down: "Platz" pronounced (pletz)
Stay: "Blieb" pronounced (blive)
Heel: "Fus" pronounced (foose)
No: "Nein" pronounced (nine)
Bad Dog: "Pfui" pronounced (fewy)
Let Go/Drop It: "Aus" pronounced (oust)
Bathroom: "Take A Break"
Get In The Car: "Inside"
Jump or Climb: "Hup"
Pick Up/Retrieve: "Aport"

Using Your Commands
Let go/ or drop it: This command is for letting go of ANYTHING. So if you send your dog to bite you can give the command to let go. Also if your dog is playing with a toy or a ball you can give the command to let go.
No or Bad Dog: If your dog is doing something you don’t want him to do and you wish to redirect his attention you can use the command for Bad Dog. Bad Dog is basically stop doing it and that’s enough. The command for NO is when you are a little more serious and need a stronger command.
Come: This is to call the dog to you to sit in front of you or just come to you. When you first begin training the "Come" command should never follow the "stay" command. Doing so could soften your "Stay" command eventually making it non-existent.
Stay: When asking your dog to stay its important that you always return back to him for the first few months. This will ensure a good stay and help your dog to understand that when you say stay you mean stay until you return. The stay command is most often broken by asking your dog to stay and then calling him to you from it. For the first few months the command “come” or “here” should not follow the command “stay”.
Heel: This command is for your dog to walk on the left hand side of you.